Espósito (Classlife): "The educational model will have to be more flexible".

After the pandemic, we realised that technological shortcomings in schools were the order of the day. Almost none were prepared to centralise their functions remotely. For this reason, many have opted to make a complete reconversion to the technological world and adapt to the new opportunities presented to them. This is what the startup Classlife has been doing for some time now.

It is a cloud-based platform designed for the 'all-in-one' management of educational centres. It came about when its CEO, Mario Espósito, realised in 2015 that in his work as a teacher, technology was hardly used at all. Therefore, the aim of Classlife is to offer a secure space where to centralise data, automate processes and improve communication. In this way, schools will be able to stop spending so much time on more recurrent tasks and focus on what is important: teaching.

Full story in Economía 3.

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