The competitiveness and sustainability of agricultural and livestock farms depends on their digital transformation.

The arrival of the European Next Generation funds will be a great opportunity to modernise the Spanish economy. It is a great opportunity for all sectors that have the chance to make the transition towards sustainability and digitalisation. "Unlike previous subsidised schemes, what really changes is the final objective: the transformation of the production sector into a green, digital and resilient one. These three pillars complement Europe's common goal of modernising the agricultural sector through knowledge, innovation and digitisation in rural areas. New technologies and new forms of communication will bring vitality to small municipalities and prevent depopulation," says Germán Clemente, Director of the Agricultural Sector of Banco Sabadell's Eastern Territory.

The application of phytosanitary products or slurry with GPS control allows more efficient applications, reducing costs and respecting the environment. Or the control of crops by drones for good fertiliser planning or to anticipate possible pests and diseases. These are just two examples of how this digital and sustainable transformation can provide great opportunities to improve the competitiveness and sustainability of agricultural and livestock farms.

Full story in Valencia Plaza.

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