Therminer brings circular economy to data centres

Therminer, Best Startup Seed in the latest edition of the VLC Startups Awards, promoted by the City Council of Valencia, through València Activa, has designed a liquid cooling system for computer processors that can recover more than 90% of the energy consumed in the form of hot water ready for consumption. By installing our systems in a building, whether residential or industrial, with the right number of servers, we can recycle thermal energy to the building, replacing the consumption of the previous conventional hips.

"Therminer is much more than a startup. For us it is the way we have found to apply efficiency and common sense, as a solution to the problem we detected. We can dedicate ourselves to what we like and give free rein to new ideas that transform the world, through a technology that otherwise would not see the light of day", says Gonzalo García, founder together with Aarón Molina, of Therminer.

Full story at Valencia Plaza

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