Bikinis made from plastic or vegan footwear, projects being incubated by Bioval at Llamp 3i

The second edition of LLAMP 3i has awarded Bioval the mentoring of 5 entrepreneurial projects that form part, along with 50 others, of the acceleration programme promoted by the General Directorate of Entrepreneurship and Cooperativism of the Generalitat Valenciana, with the aim of supporting their growth with a positive social impact.

The 5 projects, all of which are less than three years old, stand out for their innovative purpose and the economic and social change they propose, improving the life of the planet and people. Bikinis made from marine waste and plastics, vegan footwear, food technology that allows to eliminate fructose from fruit for intolerant people (between 40% and 60% of the population), DNA analysis that studies 60 psychological traits and characteristics related to mental health and a consultancy that improves productivity in the food industry by making processes more efficient and reducing food waste, are the initiatives that Bioval will accompany during the next 4 months.

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