Christian García Almenar, the Valencian who protects us from hackers

The Valencian entrepreneur Christian García Almenar decided to go to San Francisco to fulfill a dream and ended up leading a cybersecurity startup that has now bought a company from the Dell multinational

There are a lot of Valencians who have decided to leave the city in search of opportunities and challenges, and there are already several who have found the key to success. Among them Christian García Almenar (1985), co-founder of Intrinsic, a cybersecurity company in Silicon Valley that prevents possible hacking of data to companies that end up with an unpleasant situation. «I was the typical boy who was always dismantling devices but I also liked the business part. Since childhood I read a lot about Silicon Valley and Steve Jobs, ”he explains. Now, the VMware company, owned by the multinational Dell, has bought the leading company. "It is the culmination of a dream," he says.

García Almenar, who studied Telecommunications Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Valencia, decided to leave to the United States five years ago to finish the degree. But no, he did not go directly to San Francisco and he went through New York before, specifically to The Cooper Union, a prestigious university where he received a scholarship. It is one of the few American institutions of higher education that offers free education to all students, so it's also one of the most selective in the United States, and accepts less than 10% of the applications it receives.

Read the full story in Valencia Plaza


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