Distrito e-Health, the first open innovation program in digital health in Spain, promoted by Distrito Digital Comunitat Valenciana and developed by Innsomnia, has shortlisted the 12 startups that are candidates to integrate their solutions into the Valencian Health System during its Demo Day. An event held at the Casa de la Cultura in Gandía (Valencia), which has once again highlighted the enormous impact that a collaborative ecosystem can have in the healthcare field, through the connection between startups and technology SMEs with the network of public hospitals, health centers, universities, pharmaceutical laboratories and insurers.
This first Demo Day has become the showcase in which the finalist candidates have presented their digital health solutions through two pitch blocks, made before the evaluation committee of the program formed by experts in health and innovation, such as Enrique Soler, deputy director general of Integrated Healthcare Activity of the Conselleria de Sanidad Universal y Salud Pública, Enrique Bausá, deputy director general of Health Information Systems, the technical team of Distrito Digital and the Innsomnia team. After this last selection, a total of between three and five startups will access the project co-development phase, together with public health entities and corporations specialized in the pharmaceutical and socio-health sector.
Complete article in Valencia Plaza.