Young Valencian entrepreneurs will gain experience in European companies with 'Juven-Eye'.

Eight young entrepreneurs from the Valencia Region have won grants from the European 'Juven-Eye' programme, which offers undergraduate and postgraduate students who lead business projects the opportunity to spend up to half a year in other countries, with the aim of acquiring knowledge in experienced companies in the social economy and culture and, in this way, to promote and consolidate their own companies, both locally and internationally.  

"Innovation, at the end of the day, consists of transferring ideas that already exist to our territory and improving them," explains Carles Vera, a Valencian student of the Masters in Cultural Management at the Universitat de València (UV) and the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) and promoter of 'Motion Academy', one of the initiatives selected to participate in the international plan, to this newspaper.

Full article in Valencia Plaza

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