Luis Galindo: "Our developments bring improvements to people's problems".

Drones have gone from being a leisure device to a tool increasingly used in various economic sectors, by emergency and security forces. From supervision and maintenance of power lines, wind farms, roads to applications for agriculture, water and environment, land and heritage management, scientific and research applications or security applications such as fire fighting, rescue, surveillance... the options are endless.

This is the context in which IMS Drones, a Valencian startup that has just won the award for Best Triple Impact Startup at the VLC Startup Awards, an award promoted by the City Council of Valencia, through València Activa. "First of all, my thanks to the organisation of the VLC Startup Awards. These are initiatives that are appreciated, not so much for the prize as for the visibility. These joys last for the moment, the next day you have to forget about them and go on knowing that the uncertainty never goes away", says Luis Galindo, CEO of IMS Drones, specialised in the development and manufacture of RPAS (drones) aeronautical solutions with the aim of satisfying the needs of different industrial and institutional sectors. 

Full story in Valencia Plaza

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