Revelify, AI to correct crossfit and fitness exercises in real time

Fitness has become an indispensable activity for millions of people in Spain. Many others practice crossfit, high-intensity exercises that fill hundreds of boxes in the city every day. With all these users in mind, the Madrid-based athlete Jennifer Pedro has decided to launch with Paloma Canala-Echeverria the development of Revelify, a system that uses artificial intelligence in the world of fitness and cross training to automate processes and improve engagement with users of this sport.

The technology they are developing, based on computer vision and which will be available after the summer, makes it possible to analyze how an exercise is being performed and compare it with the ideal model, providing advice or recommendations on how to improve movements. These two entrepreneurs, who are currently in the acceleration program of Lanzadera, met in Demium and decided to promote this project given the shortcomings that Pedro found in his practice of sport and that was already being developed in other countries.

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