València Activa and AJEV join forces to promote consolidation and equality in the business sphere

València City Council, together with València Activa, will strengthen the channels of collaboration with the Association of Young Entrepreneurs of Valencia (AJEV) to promote the consolidation of young companies and enable them to meet the challenges posed by the current economic scenario. This was agreed during the meeting held by the councillor responsible for Innovative Development of Economic Sectors and Employment, Borja Sanjuán, and the president of the entity, José Vicente Villaverde.

"Public-private collaboration is necessary to improve the competitiveness of our companies, and this is what AJEV is working on, a key player in the Valencian organisational system, an entity that generates opportunities for our entrepreneurs to promote the creation and consolidation of businesses and boost our local economic sector," said Borja Sanjuán.

Full story in València Extra

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