València Activa and Avaesen launch Clean Connect VLC program to engage startups in solving environmental challenges

The City Council of Valencia, through València Activa and the association of renewable energy companies and other clean technologies of the Valencian Community (Avaesen) call the third edition of the Clean Connect VLC program, aimed at connecting the talent of startups with the sustainability challenges of 4 large Valencian companies: Port of Valencia, Eiffage, Hidraqua and Giditek.

With this program, startups from around the world will co-create together with 4 large companies the answers to the sustainability challenges they pose. The goal is to find innovative solutions in which technology will have a differentiating character. For the Port of Valencia, the challenge is to reduce the carbon footprint, a goal shared by Giditek (part of the Gimeno Group). For its part, Eiffage Energía proposes to replace diesel generators in isolated works with a zero-emission solution. And finally, Hidraqua is looking for innovative solutions for the intelligent management of sewerage and urban drainage systems.

Complete news in València Extra

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